General Information – Churchill Place

Churchill Place Details

Number of Apartments: 285


Apartments 1 to 1402:

Churchill Place, Churchill Way, Basingstoke, RG21 7AA


Concierge Details:

Churchill Place provides various facilities and services that residents have access to.

Residents will benefit from a 24-hour concierge and security service. The concierge is situated in the reception area and can assist with any communal maintenance or cleaning queries and can also provide any other general information regarding the development. The concierge also performs round the clock site patrols and will also act as an emergency contact for residents on site.


Seven Capital Customer Service 

Telephone: +44 (0) 121 296 1548 (option 3)

Email Address:


Managing Agent

Centrick Property

Address: 102 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 3AG

Telephone: +44 (0) 3330 124 125

Email Address: